For those who are interested in being active don’t let the weather do not stop you from having fun. In the summer especially, many people might enjoy feeling the sun on their skin and running on the beach. However, spending a long day in extreme heat can be dangerous...
As we enter the New Year, health, wellness, and resolutions to eat better and get more exercise are priorities for most of us who have not yet made them permanent fixtures in our way of life. Whether you launch into 2020 with a keto or Mediterranean diet and/or join...
Kids can be predictable when it comes to food; once they discover a food they like, they will want it for almost every meal. When kids discover a favorite food or dish, it gives them a sense of control and familiarity. My daughter is the carb-Queen. If she could have...
Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer” wasn’t actually about baseball—it was a reflection on getting old and looking back at your past. I was reminded recently of one of my fondest memories as a child—playing baseball. My son, Hunter, just finished his season with his team...